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Week 17: UX and Usability Testing

This week the session was held by Ms. Engie and Mr. Roshan.

Ms. Engie held a session on UX and Usability testing where she spoke about Usability testing, why we do it, and how it is done. Then different types of usability testing were covered in this. The evaluation process consists of two types: Formative and Summative Evaluation. Formative assessment is a continuous form of testing parts of the design through the development process and Summative assessment is the final testing of the final system.

Other forms of testing were also covered such as expert testing and user testing. Expert testing is where the system is tested by an expert and User Testing is where the system is given to a random to test it.

Mr. Roshan held a session on Research questions where he covered how to frame a research question, and what it should be based on.

Reflection of this week:

This week's session was very insightful as we learned about the different types of testing and how it is done. This would be helpful for me in the testing phase of my application.

Project Development:

 This week's research and study on Generative AI was done and a sample chatbot was created on Python using the llama2 model for exploratory purposes. Furthermore, research was done investigating the dietary restrictions and guidelines applicable to diabetic patients. A Navigation bar had been created for the application and the HomePage was designed to display patient details. The Navigation bar was designed to have 4 sections:

  • Homepage, or Dashboard,

  • Day-to-day Tracking,

  • Meal Plan,

  • Chatbot


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