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Week 15: Research

This week, we had a Library session with Ms. Laura Barbar, Asst. library manager of the library department and Ms. Siobhan Mcniff, Member of the Center of Academic Success (CAS).

Ms. Laura gave us a lecture focusing on referencing and citation. She initially started with a Kahoot quiz to test our knowledge of referencing and citation. She then introduced a few websites that can be used to cite our references such as CiteThemRight and the university library search which can be used to find suitable resources available for our research such as books, research papers, journals, articles; etc.

Ms. Siobhan gave us a lecture on plagiarism and its consequences and the different research techniques. She also gave us a few tips on how to write our literature review and how to find the perfect material for our research.

Our task for this week was to start with the literature review of our project.

Reflection of this week:

This week's session was very beneficial as it provided us with the necessary tools that would help us write our literature review.

Project Development:

This week is marked as the beginning week of the application development process. I decided to use Firebase, a backend tool for mobile application development. It has various features such as Authentication, real-time database, hosting, deployment, and more. I initially started by creating a basic Splash screen for the application which would then navigate the user to the login page. A structure for the login page has been created but the login functionalities have not been added.


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