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Week 16: UX/UI Design and Prototyping

This week we had a session with Ms. Engie Bashir, a senior lecturer of the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, and Mr. Roshan.

Ms. Engie held a session on UX/UI design and prototyping. She initially started off by explaining about UX and why we need it. Then, the factors that influence UX design and the difference between a good design and a bad design. We also learned about prototyping and the different types of prototyping such as paper prototyping and cardboard prototyping.

Mr. Roshan then held a session on literature Review. He explained to us what a literature review is. Then, the format was explained for which a sample document was shared.

Reflection of this week:

This week's session was informative and provided me with the necessary skills required for my project development.


Project Development:

This week I worked on completing the user Authentication feature of the application. A basic UI for the signup page had been created. A Welcome screen was added to the application, to allow the user to either login or sign up. Then, user Authentication was implemented using Firebase Authentication. The login and signup page of the application are designed to take the user email and password as the credentials. Changes had been made to the design of the Splash Screen, to check if the user is logged in. If the user is logged in to the application, the application would navigate to the HomePage else it would navigate to the WelcomePage. Once the user sign's up, he would be added to the list of authenticated users and the application would navigate to a registeration form which has been created to get the personal and medical details of the patient.


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