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Week 20: Testing Phase

This week, Mr. Roshan held a session on Testing where we delved into the different Testing methodologies. He emphasized the importance of testing, how it affects the application's functionality and performance, and how it protects the application from potential security threats before deploying to production. Later, He demonstrated how to create test plans and document test cases, scenarios, and results.

Test Plan:

A test plan had been created to ensure that the requirements and needs for user satisfaction were met, not leaving any loopholes in the system. The test methodologies considered in this project so far are:

  1. Unit Testing

  2. Manual Functional Testing

  3. Integration Testing

Unit Testing:

This type of testing involves testing the bits and pieces of the code. Unit testing is an essential part of the software development process to ensure optimal application performance. The purpose of unit testing is to ensure that each unit of the software works as intended and meets the user's requirements. Implementing unit testing at the initial development phase can prevent future bugs in the software.

Integration Testing:

This type of testing is performed after unit testing to test the integration of two separate software units. The purpose of integration testing is to expose faults in interaction between integrated units. The primary goal of integration testing is to ensure the integrated components work together as expected. Integration testing reduces the risk of encountering integration-related problems during the later stages of development, thereby, enhancing the overall quality and reliability of the software.

Manual functional testing:

In this type of testing, the functionality of the application is evaluated. This method involves assessing the application's functionalities based on user requirements and specifications. Interacting with the application from an end-user perspective, allows developers to detect usability issues, inconsistencies, and potential risks that automated tests may overlook. Additionally, it provides insights about user experience, to ensure that the user expectations are met.

Utilizing these testing methodologies in my software development process would allow me to catch bugs at an early stage, ensure that my application meets the user requirements and expectations, ensure that all the different modules of the application work seamlessly, ensure the stability of the software, mitigating the risk of potential defects or vulnerabilities and enabling improvement in the application to provide a better user experience to the customers or the end-user.

Project Development:

This week, I continued working on the Medical Profile section and a medication section was added to the day-to-day tracking feature of the application. This would enable the users to keep track of their medications. Furthermore, if the person is a Type-1 diabetic patient and takes insulin injections, a Carb-Calculator feature has been added for the patients to calculate their dosage intake.

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