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Meeting Log

Meeting 1:

Date: 23/01/2024

Day: Tuesday

Duration: 10 mins

Venue: KP 16-3-04

On this day, I had my first meeting with my supervisor, Mr. Santhosh and I put forward the project ideas that I had in my mind and then discussed with him about which topic would be suitable. The ideas were mostly based on Artificial Intelligence.

After a discussion, we concluded shortlisting two topics: Smart Healthcare monitoring system and Plant Management System, which would be based on an automated greenhouse system.


Meeting 2:

Date: 29/01/2024

Day: Monday

Duration: 10 mins

Venue: Online, MS Teams

On this day, I had my second meeting with my professor where I proposed the design of both the projects. While designing the Healthcare I realized that the application was a cluster of multiple topics. I discussed this with my supervisor and conveyed to him my ideas of making the application centric towards a particular group of patients which would be the diabetic patients.

After discussing we decided to go ahead with the Healthcare monitoring system for diabetic patients.


Meeting 3:

Date: 16/02/2024

Day: Friday

Duration: 10 mins

Venue: Online, MS Teams

On this day, I had my second meeting with my supervisor to discuss my final proposal. During this meeting, Mr. Santhosh provided me with his valuable feedback and guidance, advising me to make changes to my proposal to enhance the quality of my proposal. With his expertise and insights, I get a clear understanding of what changes need to be made to deliver a strong proposal for my project.


Meeting 4:

Date: 23/02/2024

Day: Friday

Duration: 5 mins

Venue: Online, MS Teams

On this day, I had my third meeting with my supervisor. During this meeting, Mr. Santhosh provided me with his valuable feedback, advising me to make further changes to my proposal. Additionally, I updated him on the status of my literature review.


Meeting 5:

Date: 15/03/2024

Day: Friday

Duration: -

Venue: Online, MS Teams

On this day, I updated Mr. Santhosh on the progress of my project. I informed him about what features of the application had been completed and what I was planning to add next to enhance the application.

Additionally, I also updated him with the status of my report.


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